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For all your questions...

What are the steps to set up an appointment?Short answer: 1. Check out this website 2. Fill out the booking form 3. Meet over video call 4. Send screening information and deposit 5. Enjoy! Long answer: The first step would be to explore the site, you'll find all the information on my offerings, rates, and logistics here. Then fill out the form on the booking tab. I'll respond via your preferred contact method and we can set up our initial video call. Unless there is a section above the booking form on the booking page explaining a delayed absence (like a trip), you should expect a response within 24-48 hours. During our call, we can schedule a time for our first session. Once I receive your deposit and screening info, we are confirmed for our chosen time. I message you the day before our session to confirm with you and send the address then!
What is a sensual massage? What is tantra massage? What is the difference?A sensual massage with me includes luxurious bodywork, embodiment practices, and dedicated attention to the areas you want most. ;) The purpose of this kind of session is for you to get in your body, feel good, and enjoy the experience. There is almost always a feeling of heartfelt connection and sweetness in each of my sessions. I love loving on people in the ways their hearts need the most and bringing the fire and excitement needed to light you up. A tantra massage is generally more focused on healing than pleasure. Most of my sessions are generally a blend of the two, unless you specifically voice that you wish for a specifically healing-based session. In a tantric massage, the meditation follows the principles of presence, non-expectation of outcome, and non-judgement of all that arises (or doesn’t). The intention can be to heal trauma or re-write somatic experiencing, practice moving and controlling energy in the body, or to bring loving presence in a changing body (age, injury, stress, or major life transition). Regardless of which kind of session you are looking for, you will be receiving a high-quality experience. I am a professional and you will have a wonderful time though I cannot discuss any specifics/guarantees, both for reasons you might imagine and because truly every session is slightly different.
Where are you located? Do you travel?My beautiful temple is located in Central Austin in 78704. All first-time sessions are always held at my space. For some established clients, I do travel to your upscale private residence or hotel room for an additional fee. Additional screening may be required. For some very established clients, I can travel with you on your next work conference trip. We set up times where you can receive massages and we have a social outing or two as well!
What are your rates? Should I tip you or give you a little gift?The rates for different kinds of sessions are found under the 'Offerings' tab. Receiving a tip always makes my day. <3 I also love receiving flowers or a small thoughtful gift when we haven't seen each other in a while, it's a holiday, or my birthday month (June). <3 I don't drink wine and cannot accept anything in an open container.
What kind of sex and intimacy coaching do you offer?We can: -address sexual dysfunctions, relationship problems -problem-solve about bringing more intimacy and joy into your life -become clear on what you want, your needs and desires in a relationship -learn and practice new tools to enhance intimacy, sensuality, your sex life -feel validated your unique sexual expression, kinks, desires, and lifestyle -work through fear, shame, and/or trauma associated with intimacy in a safe container -learn and practice how to navigate today’s consent-based culture among the #MeToo movement with confidence -navigate ethical non-monogamy/polyamory Inquire and we can discuss what kind of in-person bodywork or talk therapy is most appropriate for your goals and desires.
What are your screening requirements?I require a video call before meeting. We can do this over Zoom or Signal. I also require a way of establishing who you are. This is usually a picture of your photo ID with at least your picture, name and birthdate visible or an established LinkedIn profile. This is absolutely confidential. I care about discretion as well.
What are your deposit requirements and cancellation policy?I require a nonrefundable $200 deposit at the time of scheduling our first session. It does go toward the total. When traveling/touring, the deposit starts at $400. When canceling/rescheduling with at least 48 hours notice, we can transfer the deposit to our next reschedule one time. When canceling/rescheduling with less than 48 hours notice, a new deposit must be sent to reschedule. In the unlikely case that I need to cancel/reschedule, we can transfer the deposit or I will return it to you. If you have to reschedule an initial video call, please do so with at least 4 hours notice. Late cancellations/no shows for our call will require a $50 fee to reschedule (this will go toward the total if we choose to book a session together).
Do you accept same-day appointments?I have a busy life with lots of passions and pleasures both professionally and personally. I am rarely available for a same-day appointment, but sometimes the stars may align just right! To book a first-time session with short notice, I charge a $150 same-day fee for new clients on top of the regular rate for the session. Depending on how busy my day is, I may ask for this fee and your screening information upfront before our initial call after confirming I can accommodate your preferred time window for the session. If I request the fee before our call and for some reason *I* chose not to work with you, I will return the fee to you. If you are a returning client, I appreciate as much advance notice as possible but if I have availability, I'd be happy to see you on the same day or next day and no additional fee is required.
Can I book an appointment outside your preferred hours?Yes! But.... I require advanced notice for booking outside my normal hours to make sure I am well rested and energized. Earlier mornings are generally fine for new and returning clients. I only offer late-night sessions to returning clients. Returning clients can request any time of day. I do require an additional fee because seeing you outside my normal hours messes up my sleep/energy for the day afterward as well. It never hurts to ask as long and you are respectful and understanding.
Are you an escort as well?No, I am not an escort. My offerings are listed under my Offerings page.
How should I prepare for our session?Come freshly showered with an open mind and heart.
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