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Sessions with me are truly like stepping into the Garden of Eden, the grounding and exhilarating presence of a natural and beautiful woman with attentive presence and sweetness.

Natural woman ready to give you a sensual massage

Sensual Massage

A session for dropping into your body, your sensual and sexual energy, and your pleasure. Full body sensual massage allows you to release into sensation, connection, intimacy, and healing.


600/75 minutes

700/90 minutes

900/2 hours


Tantra Massage

Whether you’re new to tantra or a daka/dakini yourself, let me guide you through breathing, meditation, mindfulness, and energetic practices to explore and expand your energetic field and body.

600/75 minutes

700/90 minutes

900/2 hours


Grounded tantrika next to a roaring river who offers tantric massage sessions.
Beautiful woman offering Sensual Couples Massage.

Couples Massage

There are many ways this can look. You and your beloved can take turns receiving four-handed massage, adding another’s energy in a safe container. I can witness or guide you through new techniques to open in trust and intimacy through sensuality, sexuality, energy, or kink.

 sensual massage - 800/2 hours - 1200/3 hours

incl kink/fantasy - 1000/2 hours - 1400/3 hours


Sex and Intimacy Coaching

Sex and Intimacy Coaching is available for concerns about desire, arousal, orgasm, or pain. I provide an extremely safe, nonjudgmental, patient, and caring space to explore how you can enjoy your sexuality in its fullest.

Rates vary

Independent sensual massage provider in Austin, TX.
Tantrika available as a platonic companion for dates, work events, dinners, conferences, and travel.

Platonic Dates

Perfect for more time to get to know each other!

Meet me for coffee, tea, healthy food, live music or take me out on a date!

I love trying new things and have too many hobbies to count, so let me know something you’d love to do! Or I can choose, just ask!

300/1st hour

200/additional hours

Kink/Fetish/Fantasy Sessions

Tailored to your kinks and desires.​


700+/75 minutes

800+/90 minutes

1100+/2 hours


Sensual domme who can teach you about kink and help you explore your curiosities.
Happy, experienced, outdoorsy woman sitting in the grass in the sunlight

Returning Client Offerings

Priority in scheduling

Since I love spending time with you,
we can usually make time, even on short notice.

Nighttime availability

(anytime after 7:30p & before 8a - $200 to $600 upcharge)


​​Work Conference Travel Packages

Receive long luxurious massages or kink sessions
on your next work trip
including a companion for social outings.
My personal favorites are healthy food, beautif
ul scenery or live theatre.
3000/day + hotel & flights
2500/day + expenses for 3+ days

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